Profile for: Jennifer Zhu


Jennifer Zhu

Jennifer Zhu is one of founders of the Multi-Culture & Folk Arts Association of Canada. She has been getting involved into various activities organized by different community since 1999, such as the international drum festival, Chines New Year Fun fair. She received 5 Year, 10 Year, and 15 Year “Ontario Volunteer Service Awards” from Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration Ontario for her contributions to multi-culture communities.

朱兆芳,加拿大多元文化民间艺术协会理事,多年来活跃在加中文化交流活动中,作为志愿积极参与由不同社区组织的活动,例如,多伦多华人春,晚2014中国熊猫杯-学生中华才艺新年晚会, 同一首歌走进加拿大,曾获得安省公民移民部颁发的5年、10年、15年安省义工奖。

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